
Thanks this worked!

I noticed after I used the neutron.img, my keyboard app is now called 12Key-Keyboard, is there a way to get the original T9 keyboard app and set that as the default keyboard?

Also, I installed the vMouse2. One thing I haven't been able to figure out how to do is "Swipe Up", when I receive calls on WhatsApp, it says I need to swipe up in order to answer.

Thanks in advance 🙂

Is there a way to change one of the apps on the home launcher (I removed the browser so now I have a empty space)?
I unpacked the apk Launcher3 and found the xml file that lists the packages to display, I changed it and repacked, but installing it isn't working. I also tried to replace Launcher3.apk in system/priv-app/Launcher3 using FX with root r/w but it wouldn't copy. I don't really know what I'm doing, any help?

On 4058W T-Mobile Variant

    • TtechyLevel 3 - Gold Member

      • Edited


      lgexalter1 I thought your keys aren't working?
      Used adb shell monkey -p com.jasonkung.launcher3 1 to launch my launcher (launcher<3) and used scrcpy.
      THANK YOU! the Matrix file worked Gflip6_TF:/ # chown root:root /system/usr/keylayout/matrix-keypad.kl
      Gflip6_TF:/ # chown root:root /system/usr/keylayout/mtk-kpd.kl
      Gflip6_TF:/ # cd /system/usr/keylayout
      Gflip6_TF:/system/usr/keylayout # ls -l
      total 616
      -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20 2022-06-13 07:58 gpio_keys.kl
      -rw-rw---- 1 root root 0 2022-06-13 18:18 matrix-keypad.kl
      -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2022-06-13 18:20 mtk-kpd.kl
      -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2410 2022-06-13 07:58 qwerty.kl
      Gflip6_TF:/system/usr/keylayout #

      But the mtk-kpd didn't
      adb shell su
      chown root:root /system/usr/keylayout/mtk-kpd.kl
      chown: '/system/usr/keylayout/mtk-kpd.kl' to 'root:root': Read-only file system

      What should I do?

        • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

          XanderXF Im trying to do the same thing, so far all ive done is just changed the apps package name to the one I deleted or one of the extra ones in the arrays.xml. Can you send me the stock launcher3 from your phone [Login to see the link]? (Im using the Tracfone variant and I just want to see if there are differences)

          sdmde Can you explain? I have pulled launcher3, uninstalled the system/priv-app/launcher3 and am currently running my stock launcher3 as a data/app. It works fine after being installed as a data app. I am trying to just change icons located in res/drawable-mdpi/ , I have a new icon with the same resolution and same name and I replaced the original icon png. But when i build and install the apk it just crashes...

            • sdmdeLevel 3 - Gold Member

              • Edited

              darth ok i think the issue is the TracFone variant is just more sensitive because Biden can mod it but i think hes using cricket. so get that version of launcher but techy is using a dif launcher all together

                sdmde never mind i did it

                darth m trying to do the same thing, so far all ive done is just changed the apps package name to the one I deleted or one of the extra ones in the arrays.xml

                Did that work? What's easiest way to change the package name?
                I also uninstalled stock Launcher3, then was able to install my edited version but it kept crashing

                I've been working with [Login to see the link] and [Login to see the link] and we made a program that automatically boots your phone to fastboot (I did the easy part, its mainly their work). Just make sure you have mtk drivers.

                1. Download AutoBooter.exe
                2. Open it, and plug in your phone
                  Download: [Login to see the link]

                  techy im still not sure why the matrix file worked. And i still cant get the mtk file to work.
                  [Login to see the link] how can i use the chmod command that you've referenced?

                  lgexalter1 I was wondering about that too, however, it says 0 by The Matrix file too and that one worked so I assumed it was nothing.

                  Regardless, what do you think is the issue?

                  • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                    Biden2020prez Was not working for me. Was the phone supposed to be powered off like when using mtkmeta?

                    lgexalter1 Thank you for working with me. I really appreciate it.
                    I ran
                    `platform-tools>adb push matrix-keypad.kl /data/local/tmp
                    matrix-keypad.kl: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 0.0 MB/s (400 bytes in 0.064s)

                    platform-tools>adb push mtk-kpd.kl /data/local/tmp
                    mtk-kpd.kl: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 0.0 MB/s (72 bytes in 0.048s)

                    platform-tools>adb shell
                    Gflip6_TF:/ $ su
                    Gflip6_TF:/ # mount -o rw,remount /
                    Gflip6_TF:/ # rm /system/usr/keylayout/matrix-keypad.kl
                    Gflip6_TF:/ # rm /system/usr/keylayout/mtk-kpd.kl
                    Gflip6_TF:/ # cp /data/local/tmp/matrix-keypad.kl /system/usr/keylayout
                    Gflip6_TF:/ # cp /data/local/tmp/mtk-kpd.kl /system/usr/keylayout
                    Gflip6_TF:/ # cd /system/usr/keylayout
                    Gflip6_TF:/system/usr/keylayout # chown root:root matrix-keypad.kl
                    Gflip6_TF:/system/usr/keylayout # chown root:root mtk-kpd.kl
                    Gflip6_TF:/system/usr/keylayout # chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r matrix-keypad.kl
                    Gflip6_TF:/system/usr/keylayout # chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r mtk-kpd.kl
                    Gflip6_TF:/system/usr/keylayout # reboot`
                    However, it didn't work, and now I lost all the keys including the ones from Matrix.
                    Am I doing something wrong?

                      lgexalter1 would the original neutron.img work, or do I need a full super?
                      I don't want a kosher rom. (I use manage engine, allows me to have many more apps)

                      lgexalter1 Thats what I thought. Do you know where I can get one?
                      Also, do I need to run this?

                      fastboot flashing unlock
                      fastboot flash --disable-verity --disable-verification vbmeta vbmeta.bin
                      fastboot flash --disable-verity --disable-verification vbmeta_system vbmeta_system.bin
                      fastboot flash --disable-verity --disable-verification vbmeta_vendor vbmeta_vendor.bin
                      fastboot flash recovery recovery2.img
                      fastboot reboot recovery

                        • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                          techy Email me at [Login to see the link] . I will help you with the keypads. Those are instructions for installing custom recovery which allows for a much faster flashing of super, its not a prerequisite for flashing super. And if you have the neutron-novb boot img then you shouldnt need to do the disable commands.

                          • HHi1Level 3 - Gold Member

                            Anybody have a idea how to paste a text with this phone?

                              • ReifamLevel 4 - Platinum Member

                                • Edited

                                neutronscott I tried flashing this custom ROM and for some reason, I couldn't find magisk after I flashed it (I also suspect that I flashed it in a wrong way, because it only took 1 sec to flash it.)
                                When I flash it it says Sending 'boot' (24576 KB) OKAY [ 1.365s]
                                Writing 'boot' OKAY [ 0.524s]
                                Finished. Total time: 1.915s

                                  • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                                    Reifam You flashed a boot.img, not a super.img, it does only take a second to flash a boot.img.