• Flip Phones
  • Instructions for installing a kosher ROM on TCL Flip2/Classic T408DL

Last time I updated the rom, all the info on my phone(calls, texts) were erased. any way to make sure it keeps all my info when I update again? Thanks again!

Can anyone with the prerequisites “brains” create a video tutorial from beginning to end to install a kosher rom, as well as to just do an upgrade? I managed to kosher my phone using darth rom, but now when I’m trying to update… complete no go… seems my brains may have been koshered along the way…. I believe I’m following all the steps, installing all the prerequisites…. But nothing.

    when i update a rom, do i have to do steps 1-8 or i can just download the rom i want and flash the super.bin?

      Updating Roms

      Here is a guide for updating Roms. This means you already installed one of darth Kosher Roms, and want to switch to a different one. If you follow these steps you shouldn't lose your data. This guide assumes you already did all the steps to install a kosher Rom, and you are working on the same computer (so you already installed mtk drivers, flashed vbmeta, unlocked bootloader, etc)

      Step By Step Instructions:

      First, Download the rom of your choice from the top post on this thread (darth ). (make sure its named super.bin - I didint check all them). In these instructions there are 3 options.

      • Slow Method - This is the easiest way to update a Rom but takes up to an hour for the process to be completed
      • Fast Method (already done) - This is a faster way to update your Rom, but has a few more steps. If you have already used the fast method from the top post on this thread (darth ) , these instructions are for you.
      • Fast Method (First Time) - These instructions are for someone who installed his rom using the slow method, but would like to use the more challenging, but faster method this time.

      Slow Method:

      1. Run [Login to see the link]
      2. Plug in your phone into the computer while it is powered off
      3. Once your phone screen says: =>FASTBOOT mode... run fastboot flash super super.bin This step takes 35-45 minutes (If you see "Invalid sparse file format at header magic" you can ignore it safely.)
      4. You should probably download [Login to see the link] because you might have an old one.
      5. Run fastboot flash boot boot.bin to flash it.
      6. Once completed run fastboot reboot to reboot your device into your updated Kosher Rom.

      Fast Method (already done):

      1. On your powered off phone, hold vol up + power to boot into recovery. then Plug your phone into your PC.
      2. Run these commands
        adb shell su -c chmod a+rw /dev/block/by-name/super
        adb push super.bin /dev/block/by-name/super
      3. You should probably download [Login to see the link] because you might have an old one.
      4. Run these commands to flash boot.bin:
        adb shell su -c chmod a+rw /dev/block/by-name/boot
        adb push boot.bin /dev/block/by-name/boot
      5. Press reboot system now on your phone, or runadb reboot to boot into your updated Kosher Rom.

      Fast Method (first time):

      1. Run [Login to see the link]
      2. Plug in your phone into the computer while it is powered off
      3. Download [Login to see the link] [Login to see the link]
      4. run these commands to flash and enter recovery:
        fastboot flash recovery recovery2.img
        fastboot reboot recovery
      5. Once in Recovery run the following commands to flash super:
        adb shell su -c chmod a+rw /dev/block/by-name/super
        adb push super.bin /dev/block/by-name/super

        Anyone in the lakewood Area that would be willing to help me update my ROM? im at a total loss.... ( mods, am I allowed to post this?)

          i"m trying to install a ROM, at step 7 i enter "fastboot flashing unlock" in to adb and i get a message 'fastboot' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
          operable program or batch file. what do i do? please help thanks

          Cseal89 were you able to get the phone into fastboot mode? if not maybe you have a bad usb cable (this happened to me until i realized the issue)

          darth Hello when will the calendar for the other roms be fixed? thanks for your help

          darth the super.bin is coming up as .img, can I flash it like that?
          mtk utility just gave me 3 folders when I extracted it.

            • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

              szr Im assuming your referring to WithAppsOption2. Yes you can flash it as super.img. No need to extract the super.img. Just extract it from the zip.

              • a-oneLevel 3 - Gold Member

                Biden2020prez Fast Method (first time):
                Run [Login to see the link]
                Plug in your phone into the computer while it is powered off
                Download [Login to see the link] [Login to see the link]
                run these commands to flash and enter recovery: fastboot flash recovery recovery2.img
                fastboot reboot recovery
                Once in Recovery run the following commands to flash super:

                I did all this steps and it didn't work for me the ADB method and device doesn't reboot so I want to flash the ROM with fastboot but I already flashed the custom recovery so will it break if I flash the ROM now with fastboot?

                  • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                    • Edited

                    a-one It should still work to flash the super.bin through fastboot.
                    COMPROT If you want to pay me hourly I will get on it 🙂 . Otherwise I will only update it when I have the time. Maybe tell me specifically which version you want updated so when I have time I can do that one first.

                    Talk&Text-NO Video the calender and the hewbrew keyboard thanks

                    Is it possible to provide the calendar fix for those not using the kosher ROMs?

                    • a-oneLevel 3 - Gold Member

                      • Edited

                      darth I would like if people tested this version for me to make sure it works properly and there are no loopholes

                      Weather app doesn't search for location

                      Message button is not working

                        lgexalter1 i already installed fast boot on my computer and i"m still getting the message
                        C:\Users\naomi>fastboot flashing unlock
                        'fastboot' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
                        operable program or batch file.
                        any advice? thanks

                        Comes up this error every few minutes, what will happen if I disable it with ADB?