• Flip Phones
  • Instructions for installing a kosher ROM on TCL Flip2/Classic T408DL

joe1234 I just tried this on another phone that I needed to update the rom and I'm having the same issue.

lgexalter1 after pasting fastboot reboot fastboot it says waiting for device and then I cant paste anything else. when I open a 2nd terminal and paste fastboot flash super super.bin it says waiting for device and nothing happens.

    joe1234 You need to make sure you have a good usb cable. You can also unplug your phone, and plug it back in, then run the command. If its easier, you can run fastboot flash super super.bin without booting into the other fastboot, but it will take up to 45 minutes to flash.

      i have been trying to install the kosher rom. Im getting stuck at #2 part 4 "Press 'volume +' key to unlock the bootloader." After i do step 3 "Press 'volume +' key to unlock the bootloader" it says waiting for device, i press volume up on the phone and nothing happens. any ideas? i have tried several cords that work for connecting the phone to the computer for transfering files.

      any updates also on the other roms? thanks

      • NNECLevel 1 - Junior Member

        Biden2020prez i tried running fastboot reboot fastboot, but i get a response fastboot: usage: unknown reboot target fastboot. anything i'm doing wrong?

          • NNECLevel 1 - Junior Member

            Biden2020prez i am having the same problem. tried a new cable still have the same problem

            • NNECLevel 1 - Junior Member

              Biden2020prez it worked but now i got waiting for any device. tried new cable nothing doing. any ideas?

                NEC Yeah. if the phone rebooted the the fastboot with the ,enu, open a new command prompt and do the rest of the commands

                • NEC replied to this.
                  • NNECLevel 1 - Junior Member

                    Biden2020prez i tried. when i hit enter it said waiting forv any device again.


                    _> autobooter.exe      # These instructions assume you already flashed vbmeta and unlocked your bootloader 
                    _> fastboot flash recovery recovery2.img 
                    _> fastboot reboot recovery
                    _> adb shell
                    $ su
                    # chmod a+rw /dev/block/by-name/super
                    # exit
                    $ exit
                    _> adb push -p super.bin /dev/block/by-name/super
                      8 days later

                      anyone else cant open adb.exe? its extracted already...

                        shaztzi you don’t open adb.exe, you open the folder it’s in and on the bar on top (where it shows the file path) you delete the file path and type cmd and hit enter. That should open a command prompt.

                        12 days later
                        5 days later

                        getting stuck after 3.1
                        C:\Users\17186\Downloads\TCL\platform-tools>fastboot flash super super.bin
                        fastboot: error: ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT not set

                        edit I see the problem is with this rom other rom's I can install successful [Login to see the link] can you please check it out ?

                        darth [Login to see the link]: Removes: Browser. Includes: Waze, Weather, Siddur, and Hotspot.