MXRJR Biden2020prez hey, the app works great! I would say playing this game on a flip phone is much more of a challenge, lol my top score is 5....Lg Exalt works fine.
Biden2020prez MXRJR After many tries, I got 20 😃 . Usually I can get four or five with hard work. I think some people would love to see more games for these phones, so I have been working on it a little. Thanks for giving feedback!
FliphoneBochur Just tested it on Alcatel Go Flip V. The game is very laggy, and the app keeps crashing. Thank you so much for your work on this! You should have hatzlacha!
Flippy techy tell me a good upload site that doesn't require registration, doesn't delete after a certain number of downloads, and keeps it up for at least 30 days, and I'll upload.
techy Flippy google drive works great. In any event, can you please send it to me as a one time chesed even before you figure this out. Thank you so much!
Biden2020prez Flippy is pretty good. 21 days. If you want it not to expire, google drive, mega, and mediafire are nice.
whynot Flippy [Login to see the link] is pretty good. It allows 20 gb of free storage and you don’t need to verify the signup email address so you can make multiple random fake email addresses