lgexalter1 Very clever lol
It was me
FliphoneBochurLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
Biden2020prez I just want to express my admiration for what you just did. It takes a lot of courage - especially for somebody of your stature with the tools to really do whatever you want to get up there and admit to it all. THAT'S A KIDDUSH HASHEM!
Shkoyach for all you do. I'm proud to be part of this forum!
ReifamLevel 4 - Platinum Member
Biden2020prez 1st of all THANK YOU for being such a dedicated member, and always trying to uplift this forum.
Even though you were being bashed out, you still did the right thing and revealed who you are. You are a good model of who a true Ben Torah really is. and I
FliphoneBochur just want to express my admiration for what you just did. It takes a lot of courage
Thanks for all you do!!!!!!
FliphoneBochurLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
Just wondering, why when some users like something it shows publicly, while other users' likes don't? I don't see a setting for it. Does it have anything to do with points or rankings?
TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
- Edited
Biden2020prez Hey, it's very brave of you to come out in the open, I agree 100% with your feelings [I used to joke that this new guy on the forum already has more votes than me because he posts so many responses - at the time that the ratings were introduced to you, I already had a bunch of points, because although it looked like they added a new feature, it was really an old feature that was taken away and reinstated, so only those who were on the forum from early on, and already had points, still had points right when it was brought back]
And I agree that the self upvoting has gotten completly out of hand, and defeats the purpose. However, I don't think that [Login to see the link] was a solution to the problem [I don't think you "destroyed" the forum as some ppl have been accusing you of, it was messed up before] I'm still not sure what a good solution would be, maybe even a similar bot put in place by the admins would work.
But at the very least I think you have brought awareness to the problem, and hopefully people will see how immature and counterproductive such actions are, and will refrain from doing so in the future.
Thanks for all your good work, and keep using your talents for good things!
TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
FliphoneBochur It's a strange system, but it seems that pressing the like button will say that you like the post, but wont give points, and the thumbs up / thumbs down will give points, but won't say who gave it.
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
Techgen And I agree that the self upvoting has gotten completly out of hand, and defeats the purpose. However, I don't think that [Login to see the link] was a solution to the problem
I think it sort of solved the problem, it just introduced some other issues, (including issues of people being negative 1000).
Techgen [I don't think you "destroyed" the forum as some ppl have been accusing you of, it was messed up before]
I don't think these forums are messed up. I think it's a wonderful place for flip phone users to connect and learn. Many people who try to make money off flip phone users try hard to shut it down. To me, that shows how successful are forum is. Yes, there are issues, but these forums are very stron. One of the biggest compliments I've gotten, was a response to a tool I made:
Helix_X_Dome Heh.... Idk if this is muttar. you are taking away parnassah from companies that charge 40$+ to do this lol.
Anyways, about this idea:
Techgen maybe even a similar bot put in place by the admins would work.
I think there is a lack of leadership coming from the admins, who are a little busy, so I see slim chances of that happening.
TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
Biden2020prez I didn't mean the forum was messed up before, of course it's a great place, I meant the points were messed up before by ppl upvoting themselves. I just used the term forum because that's what people were accusing you of.
And yes the admins are busy but it seems they've taken note and are working on it. Hopefully something can be worked out.
FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
[Login to see the link] sort of stopped this whole issue but stuck everyone with their negatives even though there shouldn't be any negatives if there is no downvote...
Can we request a fix?
Based on this: [Login to see the link]
[Login to see the link] Can u make it that: a) one cannot upvote their own post b) all votes should reset to 0.
I'm just suggesting this if everyone agrees to start fresh.
THE_SOMEONELevel 2 - Senior Member
[Login to see the link] see told you it was [Login to see the link]
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
THE_SOMEONE He knew it was me also bc I posted something on biden2020prez then deleted it, and mod can see deleted stuff. But his point was you need to be careful before accusing people, because if you have no proof, you can get in trouble.
THE_SOMEONELevel 2 - Senior Member
Biden2020prez you are one of the only ones on this forums (except admins) who know how to right COLOR WORD'S and all that stuff good and you also said your not anything with apps4flip so i thought it proably be you (not the admins) and since i also saw that your main account wasnt active
112345Level 3 - Gold Member
thank you
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
THE_SOMEONE LOL, good detective work!
FliphoneBochurLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
- Edited
It's not that hard.
It's a simple Google search!
I'm having way too much fun!
FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
FliphoneBochur Not even a search away...
[Login to see the link]