AappsproLevel 1 - Junior Member
[Login to see the link] can u make the pointer work normally with long press on the exalt?
[Login to see the link] can u make the pointer work normally with long press on the exalt?
BoruchAdler They obviously don't know what it takes to build an android app. I really appreciate your work, please keep it up. I actually saw your hebrew keyboard today for the first time and I'm planning on installing it for my friends tomorrow. Thanks again! (sorry, I couldn't reply in the other thread)
Thanks BoruchAdler for putting up the acknowledgement. It takes courage to admit mistakes and mend them and I'm glad you were able to find that courage.
To BeBrave and all others on this thread, hopefully this time my posts don't get magically deleted and you folks actually see this message unlike my previous posts here.
All I have to say is, yes I might not have a flip phone and develop apps for flip phones, but my app's source code is available publicly and it's free for everyone. I did not charge anything and put up my software for helping people out, but clearly people don't like to face truth.
I've had enough stress already because of people mailing me full of disrespectful comments because of the (earlier) paid cloned version on this forum. I am an individual person and not a large organization and don't have resources to deal with any of it. I've released one last flipphone version of matvt to make it at feature parity with my android tv version. Thanks to those few folks on this forum who supported in this, but unfortunately I don't have enough resources to tolerate more disrespectful comments and continue development of matvt and protect the rights of all open source contributors involved at the same time. The source code of older versions will stay open for those who wish to experiment unlike the version presented on this forum.
Just wanted to drop in here for the last time and applaud BoruchAdler for his courage and thank folks and admins for their respective contributions in the open source version.
virresh I want you to know that your efforts are appreciated. I have tried to donate on your site [Login to see the link] but none of the payment methods seem to work for me in the USA. The credit card doesn't get processed and shows me a message "International cards are not allowed".
L-B The credit card doesnt get proccessed and shows me a message "International cards are not allowe
Thanks a lot L-B. You're the first person to try to donate since I migrated to buy me a coffee portal (around January 21) and so I wasn't aware there is a new restriction on international payments. I discussed with the support and they informed that this was recently added to account for some tax law changes.
I really appreciate the gesture. My apologies for the confusion. I'll work with other partners and migrate to another platform if I resume my efforts in future. Thanks a lot for letting me know!
BeBrave They obviously don't know what it takes to build an android app
I apologize if I misunderstood your comment. Just to explain my comment and chronology,
The admins however did take note of it and helped in getting the required changes contributed back to the open source version.
Regardless, I was deeply hurt by these events. I make (or rather used to make) lots of open source software and first time someone had capitalized on it without any regards for the open source contributions.
I'm grateful to the folks who continued working with me on the open source version and we came out with a flipphone version which was at par with the Android TV version (Available under assets at [Login to see the link] , released on 10 April)
Recently (22nd April), Boruch also contacted me and admitted his mistake. I presumed your comment was with respect to the modifications made to the original thread and hence referring to the open source version in the portion that I quoted above.
My apologies if I misunderstood the comment, but having already received such remarks before, I presumed so.
[Login to see the link] I read that thread by Hebrew keyboard (which has since been locked, so I'm posting here) and was very surprised at the insensitive comments that were posted there. I was always bothered a little at the demanding tones with which people were asking you to improve the app, but this is a whole other level. There are many tech savvy ppl on this forum, but you are one of the only ones that can actually code an app, and I guess some people don't realize the skill it takes. You are 100% right that feeling appreciated is one of the only things that motivates one to do something for free, and being underappreciated is really demoralizing. While the amount of backlash should be encouraging, I do think that some ppl especially [Login to see the link] owe you an apology. As a matter of fact, your post sounded uncannily similar to how [Login to see the link] felt about a rotten apple ruining his free work... It seems like you're begining to understand each other. No one likes feeling violated. I do find it interesting that both of you decided to completely drop developing apps after your bad expiriences. I can't tell you what to do, but I encourage you not to drop a hobby you obviously take interest in, just because of a bad apple, but in any case, everyone should be well, and know that the amount of supporters is way more than you think. Keep it up!
Techgen While the amount of backlash should be encouraging, I do think that some ppl especially [Login to see the link] owe you an apology.
While maybe I should have softened my tone a bit, I don't think I owe anybody an apolighy. I was providing feedback on an app and there's no reason to take it all personally. I have been given negative feedback a few times and I simply took the advice.
chaimontherun Thats correct, the apology is for the tone and choice of words, there is a correct way to give feedback, everything you had an issue with was already reported by someone earlier in the thread, in a nicer tone, after complementing on the good parts. If you would be talking to a good friend you would phrase it differently (I hope)
Just went through the Hebrew keyboard thread.
I now understand the context.
Just in case it helps,
BoruchAdler, your keyboard is an excellent start. In case you decide to come back to it and continue working, do check out another open source project - [Login to see the link]
They have an awesome accessibility app (and the inspiration for my mouse, duly credited on my code page). I planned on eventually adding keyboard support in my mouse just like theirs. Maybe their implementation will help you do the finishing touch in your app
And if you need some resources on open sourcing, just in case you wish to, I'd be happy to help. I mentor people apart from creating open source projects too ;-).
Techgen I encourage you not to drop a hobby you obviously take interest in
Thanks Techgen, and everyone else for the encouragement!
Several things happened today and all of them say it's time for me to get back to open source. I'll be pushing the source code of last released matvt-phone version as soon as I get the chance to .
Also a side-note, BMC Support team has enabled my stripe account for international folks. Thanks L-B, I'd have never known otherwise
virresh You're back! That's great news! I will definitely be "buying you a (well deserved) coffee"
PS due to the Jewish Sabbath (early Friday night until late Saturday night) most of us on these discussion boards were not able to see any posts over the last day, hence no responses.
virresh FYI It's still not working unfortunately.
When I try the first option, after I put in my phone number I choose card and it gives me the same error as before as to not allowing international cards
When I try the new card option I get this message
"It appears that you are cloning a card payment method to a IN-based connected merchant. As part of our continued investment in India and to meet local data storage requirements, we no longer allow cloning card payment methods into or out of India, so we had to reject your request. For more information, please visit [Login to see the link]."
when I try google pay it just says error processing payment
L-B, Whoops. Thanks a lot again! Ive alerted the buy me a coffee team. Seems like they are facing issues with international regulations. I'll post here in case there's any update.
Can anybody please share the link to the cursor. It says it's on the App page, but can't seem to find it there.
Thanks in advance.
There is no logo for it, so it's easy to miss. It's after AirBattery before Apps4Flip Hebrew Keyboard.
YosefM Agreed. Can we politely suggest to the [Login to see the link] that a Mouse Icon would help visibility?
This is a really great feature. Thank you for making it!
I am having a small issue and I'm wondering if anyone else has run across it.
In the new Scroll mode, my mouse seems to be clicking as I scroll.
Is this a problem others are experiencing?