• Universal Mouse Cursor for the LG Classic

Just went through the Hebrew keyboard thread.
I now understand the context.

Just in case it helps,
BoruchAdler, your keyboard is an excellent start. In case you decide to come back to it and continue working, do check out another open source project - [Login to see the link]
They have an awesome accessibility app (and the inspiration for my mouse, duly credited on my code page). I planned on eventually adding keyboard support in my mouse just like theirs. Maybe their implementation will help you do the finishing touch in your app 😃

And if you need some resources on open sourcing, just in case you wish to, I'd be happy to help. I mentor people apart from creating open source projects too ;-).

Techgen I encourage you not to drop a hobby you obviously take interest in

Thanks Techgen, and everyone else for the encouragement!
Several things happened today and all of them say it's time for me to get back to open source. I'll be pushing the source code of last released matvt-phone version as soon as I get the chance to 🎊 .

Also a side-note, BMC Support team has enabled my stripe account for international folks. Thanks L-B, I'd have never known otherwise 😃

    • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

      virresh You're back! That's great news! I will definitely be "buying you a (well deserved) coffee"

      PS due to the Jewish Sabbath (early Friday night until late Saturday night) most of us on these discussion boards were not able to see any posts over the last day, hence no responses.

      virresh I'm glad you arrived at that decision, and in general are feeling better about this. Be well!

      • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

        virresh FYI It's still not working unfortunately.

        When I try the first option, after I put in my phone number I choose card and it gives me the same error as before as to not allowing international cards

        When I try the new card option I get this message

        "It appears that you are cloning a card payment method to a IN-based connected merchant. As part of our continued investment in India and to meet local data storage requirements, we no longer allow cloning card payment methods into or out of India, so we had to reject your request. For more information, please visit [Login to see the link]."

        when I try google pay it just says error processing payment

        L-B, Whoops. Thanks a lot again! Ive alerted the buy me a coffee team. Seems like they are facing issues with international regulations. I'll post here in case there's any update.

        a month later

        Can anybody please share the link to the cursor. It says it's on the App page, but can't seem to find it there.
        Thanks in advance.

        • L-B replied to this.
          • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

            JustAYid its there its called Apps4Flip Mouse

            There is no logo for it, so it's easy to miss. It's after AirBattery before Apps4Flip Hebrew Keyboard.

              This is a really great feature. Thank you for making it!
              I am having a small issue and I'm wondering if anyone else has run across it.
              In the new Scroll mode, my mouse seems to be clicking as I scroll.
              Is this a problem others are experiencing?

                a month later
                • UUriLevel 1 - Junior Member

                  Anyone else have the problem that the scroll mode seems to be clicking all the time.

                    yes the issue is definitly on the kyocera cadence

                    a month later
                    • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                      Sorry to revive a dead thread but do we have a final solution to the readout problem?
                      Short summary. On my Lg classic when I once the mouse app is installed, all incoming calls get announced by the phone with a readout. Any way to fix this?

                        • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                          Flippy I think this is the same problem when you have voice access. And for that the solutions are:

                          You can mute your media volume. (Use Button Mapper to do it quickly)

                          This may be another way:

                          L-B the eitza is to uninstall com.lge.tts.sfplus BUT it "ruins" the voice access so that after uninstalling tts it will only listen the first time you talk and if you want to talk again you have to press the button to turn voice access on and off again (not such a big deal but just FYI)

                            • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                              darth Thanks, but will that "ruin" anything for me if I dont have voice access installed and only the mouse cursor? anyone have any experience with this?

                                • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

                                  I don't think so. Also voice access works just fine as described. I did this about 4 months ago (after discovering it) and have no problems B"H

                                  4 months later

                                  Just reporting that I have it installed on 2 Kyocera Cadence via webadb, and it works great.
                                  I set all the permissions without needing adb shell.
                                  Used the button within cursor app settings to access and set permissions
                                  Thank you!

                                  14 days later

                                  I see in my "data usage" that the mouse app is using data. When I turn off my data the app still works. While it is very little data being used, I'm just wondering why is it using any at all?