PpracticalLevel 2 - Senior Member
- Edited
mg5077 is your switch working?
maybe after you grant this enable switchboard permition via adb you will be able to proceed to next step and change the keyboard?!
mg5077 is your switch working?
maybe after you grant this enable switchboard permition via adb you will be able to proceed to next step and change the keyboard?!
Hi everyone, I just released a new version that allows you to change keyboards in app. Meaning you can switch from the built in phone keyboard to the hebrew keyboard and vice versa without any adb commands.
Here is the link to the latest version - [Login to see the link] Thanks [Login to see the link]
The first time you setup the app run the following adb command - adb shell pm grant com.android.cts.a4fhebrew android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS
I only tested this on LG phones, if some kyocera users can report back like [Login to see the link] and [Login to see the link] that would be great. Shkoiach
BoruchAdler WOW! Thank you!
[Login to see the link] Amazing work!!!
The main site has been updated with the latest version and instructions.
BoruchAdler did you have in plan to do something about my issue mentioned above mg5077 and also something more serious wile on a call like automated phone systems we need those 2 buttons # * critically
(because I call hot lines I'm unable to use your great app until you fix this problem)
[Login to see the link] yes, I plan on working on an upgrade that will use the top right and left menu buttons to change languages and caps instead of # and *. It will be a setting in a future upgrade. Stay tuned.
If you can get me the key code values for those 2 buttons for your phone, that would be a huge help.
Yashar Koichacha.
I hope I have expressed me fine if not please let me know
and thanks for your wonderful work!!!!!!!!
BoruchAdler works awesome!
BoruchAdler thanks! please make typing speed slower... its changing to fast to the next letter....
how do you make space btwn words on the hebrew kewboard
BoruchAdler I Think you should rather work to put it in the phone's options-T9word,abc,emoji,copy,etc. - like TAG did...I understand that this should be a more difficult job.. But I think it's worth.. and with our team-work together we should be able to do it... so everybody is invited to share any help!
BoruchAdler very despaired for the update ! still thinking from us??!!
BoruchAdler if I will post you here a link to the LG Keyboard will you be able to modify it like practical asked?
BoruchAdler Wow Great work! Thank you!
BoruchAdler Sorry to sound rude, but the app is a total disaster. You can't type pound more then once, and you can't use T9 when you have the app. Also when going into the dialer it stays stuck on Hebrew instead of automatically switching to numbers. Also there is no way that I know of to switch between Hebrew and English. IMHO, keep your half baked apps off the main apps page. Put them on the forums as beta. Cc [Login to see the link]