Well that makes more sense. Whomever wrote the steps to get it installed, and working on their device, should have mentioned that little bit of information, especially for those people who don't have data turned on, or for that matter, don't have a data plan at all. I appreciate you taking time to explain it in layman's terms...
LG classic flip voice access..
Ok, was in process of returning the LG classic, but after I was informed about the data/wifi needing to be on, I reset the phone and reloaded the launcher and voice access .apks, have been using it successfully for a few days now and it works well enough to do voice to text for my needs, thanks for the advice guys.
darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
I just installed the voice access and now it reads out the caller when my phone is closed, when I turned off readouts in settings it got rid of all the permissions for voice access. How do I keep voice access without the annoying readout?
L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member
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darth the eitza is to uninstall com.lge.tts.sfplus BUT it "ruins" the voice access so that after uninstalling tts it will only listen the first time you talk and if you want to talk again you have to press the button to turn voice access on and off again (not such a big deal but just FYI)
OR you can mute your media volume
JumptoheavenLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
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MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member
Jumptoheaven but then you don't vibrate?
JumptoheavenLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
Myi MEDIA volume.
MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member
L-B Assuming you have it where you click it once and then click it again to turn it off?
i have it where you hold the Talk to Voice button while talking and release to end the voice. after removing/uninstalling the above it seems to still work as long as i hold the button, there's no need for me to click it again to reactivate it.
L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member
Myi True. I tried it and it does work more intuitively thank you. But technically I think it still isn't listening the second time unless you leave go of the key and press it again whereas before I think it would continue listening even if you were holding the key down throughout.
can i install voice to text after its blocked by tag?
L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member
Has anyone noticed that Voice Access no longer works to make punctuation marks. It used to make a ? if you said "question mark" and a ! if you said "exclamation point" but not any more.
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
L-B I don't know, I'll try and report back. Good to see you back once in a while .
L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member
I tried it on an a regular android with voice access app installed from Google Play store with same results. I reached out to Google's accessibility team and they are supposed to get back to me
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
L-B Yeah, it seems to be a bug in all version of voice access