L-B Assuming you have it where you click it once and then click it again to turn it off?

i have it where you hold the Talk to Voice button while talking and release to end the voice. after removing/uninstalling the above it seems to still work as long as i hold the button, there's no need for me to click it again to reactivate it.

  • L-B replied to this.
    • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

      Myi True. I tried it and it does work more intuitively thank you. But technically I think it still isn't listening the second time unless you leave go of the key and press it again whereas before I think it would continue listening even if you were holding the key down throughout.

      9 months later

      L-B , you really have to do .\adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.lge.tts.sfplus

      24 days later

      can i install voice to text after its blocked by tag?

        20 days later
        9 months later
        • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

          Has anyone noticed that Voice Access no longer works to make punctuation marks. It used to make a ? if you said "question mark" and a ! if you said "exclamation point" but not any more.

            L-B I don't know, I'll try and report back. Good to see you back once in a while 🙂.

            • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

              L-B I have noticed that. It has been that way for a little while.

              L-B I also noticed that it has a hard time picking up numbers to be selected

              • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

                I tried it on an a regular android with voice access app installed from Google Play store with same results. I reached out to Google's accessibility team and they are supposed to get back to me

                  10 days later

                  L-B Yeah, it seems to be a bug in all version of voice access