Instructions for installing a kosher ROM on TCL Flip2/Classic T408DL
i do not see magisk , how do i get root access.
JumptoheavenLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
joe1234 pull down the notification bar. Then, using mouse, long press on voice access. This will pull up an option to block its notifications.
Jjoe1234Level 1 - Junior Member
Thanks! That worked!
Aavi1Level 2 - Senior Member
i filtered my phone before updating the software and now my data doesn't work because the phone needs a software update and ideas how to get it to work / update the software
how can we go back to root access , i just need to install one other app.
WwhynotLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
How can I block app installation?
darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
- Edited
whynot You wouldnt want to resize or fill up /data/ because then your phone wont work and you would have no space for messages or call logs or any other app data. You could modify package installer app and adb binary but you need to know what you are doing because if you do it wrong you can brick your phone.
avi1 Try Texting APN to 611611
GgreatobeajewLevel 1 - Junior Member
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Thank you all for your amazing work, is there any package to install with hotspot and without email and browser?
CCOMPROTLevel 2 - Senior Member
in most cases for TracFone Verizon service the APN is VZWINTERNET but is some cases its TRACFONE.VZWENTP Good Luck
manyhill HI, i cannot get it into fastboot the screen stays blank
MmanyhillLevel 1 - Junior Member
arongrossmanmtl did u Open MTKMeta tool and select 'Reboot Fastboot Mode'