• Flip Phones
  • Instructions for installing a kosher ROM on TCL Flip2/Classic T408DL

  • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

    whynot Your asking in general? My Roms have app installation blocked already. (If its not blocked on yours that means you have the original version and you should just update to the current version.)

      • WwhynotLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member

        • Edited

        darth in general. Would I fill up storage in /data with logs or resize it to a smaller size? Or is there an apk or file to modify to not allow adb install?

          • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

            • Edited

            whynot You wouldnt want to resize or fill up /data/ because then your phone wont work and you would have no space for messages or call logs or any other app data. You could modify package installer app and adb binary but you need to know what you are doing because if you do it wrong you can brick your phone.

            avi1 Try Texting APN to 611611

              darth what permissions would I need to modify in the app and where is the adb bin and what should I modify

              avi1 The APN for TracFone is VZWINTERNET

              in most cases for TracFone Verizon service the APN is VZWINTERNET but is some cases its TRACFONE.VZWENTP Good Luck

              manyhill make sure to follow the instructions exactly, only connect the phone after u select the option in MTKmetatool, it should say waiting for mtk usb device.


                darth what's the difference between the first method and the recovery method?

                arongrossmanmtl did you install the drivers and restart your computer afterwards (very important)?

                lgexalter1 I flashed now the TALK BASIC ROM on my rooted TCL Flip 2 and All the apps that I installed before, got disabled. is there any way how to use the apps?

                  a-one I had installed Qinpad and disabled the default keyboard before I flashed the ROM and now there was no keyboard because qinpad was deleted so I enabled the default keyboard with ADB