
  • Level 5 - Gold Elite Member
  • Aug 21, 2024
  • Joined Aug 2, 2019
  • 94 points
  • Ok, so I'm going to be a massive מפוניק and combine all my posts into this one with all of the changes I would want to be made.


    • [Login to see the link]:

      • Easy Method 1 also works on the LG Classic, the Kyocera DuraXV Extreme, and any Schok phone. (Those are just a bunch of phones that I've installed apps on from storage. I'm sure there are others.)
      • In Universal Method, add to switch USB mode to charge only on the LG Classic (And File-Transfer on some old Kyoceras)
      • Add the Alcatel Go Flip V and the TCL Flip 2 to Universal Method (*#*#33284#*#*). (In ``, so the stars don't disappear)
      • You could just copy the ADB setup instructions from the Guide to WebADB page, and paste them in the App Installation guide.
      • It says by Uninstalling Apps that for all other phones: "simply perform a factory reset," but,
        A) On the LG Classic, there's also an Applications Menu,
        B) On any Schok and Sonim phone, you could uninstall any app from the main launcher, and
        C) You could just use the method on Odds n' Ends (though you could say to run pm list packages -3 to only list installed apps).
    • [Login to see the link]:

      • Could you please add holding down the volume down + power to take a screenshot (on most phones)?
      • "Navigate your phone during a phone call on LG Flip Phones" also works on most non-LG Phones.
      • I think the commands shouldn't have adb shell in the beginning, because the rest of the site has WebADB commands.
    • Other Pages:


    • All rules threads should be combined, so people coming to the forum don't have to be overwhelmed by or not look at the 3 [Login to see the link] [Login to see the link] [Login to see the link].
    • About stickied threads, [Login to see the link] could be unstickied and added to rules. Again, it would be better for new members to now have to have so many stickied threads when they come to the forums. This suggestion is a judgment call for the Admin if he thinks that Official Lines of Communication is that important.
    • The [Login to see the link] thread could be unstickied because it's done.
    • I think you should add the [Login to see the link] to the site and unsticky it.
    • The [Login to see the link] post could be unstickied because the forum search has gotten much better. (I don't know if the admin implemented something, but it's much better than what it used to be.)
    • Could you please sticky the [Login to see the link] thread? I think it's useful for new members.

    I'm not trying to be a control freak; I'm just trying to get things to be neater, remove misinformation, inform people of tricks they might not have known about, and make the experience on the site and forum better.

    If [Login to see the link] sees and implements (or at least acknowledges) the requested הערות and changes in this thread, it would be appreciated. Thank you!

    Sorry for the slight ocd!

    • [Login to see the link] can the main page on website be updated with latest info there is an overwhelming amount of info in this thread.
      I am trying to update the rom but not understanding from this thread

      • [Login to see the link]
        1) Maps doesn't work any more it tells me i have to update it.
        2) In the notes to install voice access the command to delete the old voice thing there's a ` at the end and it's not meant to be there.

        • FliphoneBochur if we use the old Google Maps that [Login to see the link] posted here [Login to see the link], then we shouldn't have any kashrus or location issues.

          About bypassing the expiration: It doesn't work to make version 999999. Removing a receiver in the manifest that checks for updates used to work on some phones, but it seems like most phones don't work with that anymore. I digged a bit deaper, and I noticed the app has a shared preference with the app version (called app_version). First I tried an apk shared preference changer trick, which didn't seem the change the preference, I am not sure why. Now, I am looking for the code that sets the preference. Maybe I can figure out how to make it return a different number.

          Alternatively, I may try to remove all the invoke.... methods that check for updates, but it's in nearly every activity and I'm not so good at that anyway.

          • [Login to see the link] Can you or some else create an official review for the Qin F22/F21, similar to the review you guys did of the Punkt phone?

          • [Login to see the link] [Login to see the link] [Login to see the link]
            OK, I just updated the AppLauncher sub-launcher app (v1.12) The new version can show more than 9 apps, and it also will show more columns on wider screens. I do not plan on any new releases in the near future

            [Login to see the link]

            As in version 1.10, there are 3 versions included.

            • Use the Browser version for TCL Kosher Phones that have the Browser completely removed. It will show up on the launch screen with the Browser icon.
            • Otherwise, you can use the ATT version for TCL - Non-ATT - devices, that do not have the ATT DeviceUnlock App. It will show up on the launch screen with the DeviceUnlock icon.
            • Use the CTS version for LG Flip phones. It will not appear on the launch screen, but on some phones, you may be able to use the shortcut key method mentioned in the README.


          • 12345
            [Login to see the link] if you can please let me know why you removed my apk
            I also see that a lot of people don't know why you remove certain things that they post if it's possible can you start emailing the email on file for the account or let them know some way why it was removed because from my observation it seems that most people (including me) here don't mean to break the rules or post something that you don't want up and if you would tell them they would know for the future

            • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

              [Login to see the link] sort of stopped this whole issue but stuck everyone with their negatives even though there shouldn't be any negatives if there is no downvote...
              Can we request a fix?

            • hi thanks to all who contributed to this work
              any idea how to export all contacts? (when i try: select all-share, it says "select less than 100 contacts"
              also why does my mouse spontaneously turn on (even when phone is closed)
              [Login to see the link] - maybe there should be a separate page (collaboratively built?) with general information (that's not completely intuitive) about the tcl 2 -(how to use mouse, voice control, hebrew keyboard; network compatibility; unlocking guidance; how to text while in a call; any known issues etc)
              many would find such a thing useful and it would reduce redundancy in these threads

            • Techgen thank you [Login to see the link] for adding this to the site

              Waze - The famous navigation app!

              First make sure you have the waze launch app (directly above) installed. You will use that app to enter an address for waze to navigate to!
              Waze works great on flip phones, just follow the directions in app to get started.
              Please note if installing this on a LG Classic, you should turn on the phones location setting before installing the app!>!!<

              • ReifamLevel 4 - Platinum Member

                • Edited

                [Login to see the link] Can you make a feature within that forum that saves selected messages in your profile?