• KAZUNA eTalk - App Guide & Discussion

yeti I don't have this version in my archive, if possible I'd like to snag a backup of it from you.

Sure, as soon as I figure out what I'm doing 😃

yeti but you can try dialing ##2016## and clicking on the button that says 打开开发者选项 this enable developer options which you can access from the notifications while the device is plugged into a PC.

This absolutely worked, what it does is auto-enables USB debugging. When you go to the notifications menu (Menu>Notifications) it allows you to "click to disable USB debugging" When you click it, it disables USB debugging and then automatically puts you into the developer options menu which is far more kino than most developer option menus.

It includes: Bluetooth HCI Snoop log and packet capture, a 3/6/12/24 hour memory log, Double password, Stay awake while charging (which includes while plugged into a PC based upon your USB settings), Bootloader unlock, Color Modes, Web View Impl, Automatic updates, Bluetooth and WiFi/WLAN options, and the standard Developer options of Running Services, Hardware, Drawing, and Debugging,

The only running services when OEM are:
Tools & settings, SimContacts, com.qti.diagservices, Kika keyboard, Kazuna Home, CellBroadcastReceiver, and com.qualcom.qcrilmsgtunnel service. There is no background processes even if you load a memory card and media and no bloatware that I can find running but it will not let you disable MyVerizon or Verizon Cloud except through "No background processes" under the Developer options.

There is an option for "Force allow apps on external" to "Make any app eligible to be written to external storage regardless of manifest values" which is going to be fun...

yeti I have been looking at the kernel source for the LG classic flip, and they are the same version and CAF release tag so I think I can get it to boot on the eTalk with a bit of tinkering, just not sure how many of the important bits will work without patches.

Honestly if there is a way to pull off the verizon software that would be all that is needed aside from visual tweaks per each users needs and an FM radio. The camera on this thing isn't even that bad.

I didn't have any 32 gb memory cards laying around so I ordered one so I can test what kinds of media I can get it to play and also another F119 so I can brick or fry one of these while tweaking it and not feel so bad.

yeti I was working on a custom firmware but lost interest

Legacy OS might be a valid option but I dunno if it's needed, this thing only used 20% of it's battery idling uncharged for 5 days.

yeti I gave up on getting the kernel source from TAKUMI and my Japanese isn't nearly good enough for me to write a GPL compliance letter.

So I dunno how you were doing this, but under Menu>Tools&Settings>About Phone>Kernel version it lists the following info that might help:

3.18.71-perf (gcc version 4.8 (GCC) )
kazuna1@ubuntu5 #1

2 months later

yeti Thanks for all the info i installed the launcher but can't see it, how do i bring it up?

5 months later

yeti Bump. Does that mean the you have access to the full APK for the launcher (including the classes.dex)? Can anybody with an eTalk post the APK and I'll try to make a version for the LG phones. Thanks!

  • yeti replied to this.
    9 days later
    • yetiLevel 3 - Gold Member

      • Edited

      Biden2020prez correct. porting the launcher might be a bigger headache then it's worth though.

      here's the decompiled source for the launcher with a bit of makeup applied to it and the non-Verizon sim message nulled out. reassemble with your favorite apk compiler if you're into that

      [Login to see the link]

        yeti Thanks! I'm very excited to check it out. (Is it your version or the stock?)

          Biden2020prez I really need the apk b/c the apk app I use on android doesn't open decompiled projects. (The apk compiler on pc had errors compiling, usually android works fine in those scenarios)

          And More Importantly, did you ever backup /system or /system/priv-app or wherever the apps are saved on this phone. If so, please send it.
          I had an eTalk without a battery, and with much heavenly assistance I flashed it to Kaz-f119! (I am ordering a battery)
          can you send me any email: [Login to see the link] or post your email so we can communicate quicker?

          13 days later

          ekjr Welcome to Apps4Flip Forums!
          I don't know what you mean by

          ekjr not working for me

          If you can explain your issue in more detail it will be a lot easier to help. Thanks!

          how do you get that pop up that says allow usb debuging

          Oh. Great question, it can be confusing sometimes. If you have the Kaz-F019 model, it won't work. You need download:

          You need to install the Qualcomm Drivers and QPST, then open QFIL (just search qfil from start), plug in your phone, and flash the KAZ-F119 Firmware. You can probably find instructions by searching google for "How to flash new firmware with QFIL". However, if you are having issues, or it's too confusing, I'm happy to help out more.

          Note: Doing this will delete all your phones data!

          (If you have the KAZ-F119 model, you should be fine already. You can check by going to Settings > About Phone)

            QFIL says "no port available" when I try flashing the firmware on my phone

              ZTEGuy Try powering off the phone and holding volume up when you plug in the USB. Let me know if it works.

              It still says no port available, and does not let me press the download button

              never mind, was just a bad cord. works fine now,

              It kept giving me a sahara fail error, so I used the verizon software upgrade assistant, and now my phone is bricked

                • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                  ZTEGuy I had similar issues darth I didnt look into it much but if you resolve the issue please let me know

                  It seems to be turning on and functioning, just the screen keeps looping white except for a small strip which changes as the phone turns on. I have tried flashing it with both the prepaid and postpaid softwares. the Verizon software upgrade assistant tool fails to recognize the software version of the phone.

                    ZTEGuy Are you using a standalone version of QFIL, or the QPST one that Yeti posted?

                    I am using QPST