Top SMS tools and hotlines
TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
Tella Shop : (845) 600-7467
Someone just gave me this number, he claims he tried it. You can text or call to order from Amazon, they even text you pictures of the item before you order it. Shipping is free, but they charge a 10% fee for using the service. You can call to speak to someone for any issues, which I guess is what you'll do if you need to return something.
Lev26Level 3 - Gold Member
Uber by phone:
Fruber 732-813-8899
Tremp 732-799-6001
Lev26Level 3 - Gold Member
Proclick: Internet needs safely and securely
718-972-8245 or 718-876-9700
I never did this, just heard about it.
usherhLevel 1 - Junior Member
I believe it costs money, not 100% sure though.
SamFriedLevel 3 - Gold Member
Live news, Radio and Podcasts
press 923876
AtusbLevel 3 - Gold Member
Gkosher 786 347 9529
GoogleKosher - ask them to google something and they send you a screenshot of the google page.
JJackbeastLevel 1 - Junior Member
SamFried does anyone know of any Israeli number that works with kosher phones? this one just shut down 0723936623 and this only works on cellular Israel 0793002735. or what the official name of this system is called to contact them?
samteeLevel 3 - Gold Member
anyone know the email of the place that sends out free music
3474336863Level 1 - Junior Member
samtee you mean new singles?
samteeLevel 3 - Gold Member
yes not mostly music
BasicPhoneLevel 1 - Junior Member
BasicPhoneLevel 1 - Junior Member
AtusbLevel 3 - Gold Member
BasicPhone do they have for lakewood?
BasicPhoneLevel 1 - Junior Member
Atusb no idea
AtusbLevel 3 - Gold Member
if anyone knows of anywhere still sending out lakewood news via text please post thanks