Instructions for installing a kosher ROM on TCL Flip2/Classic T408DL
DdovwcomLevel 1 - Junior Member
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darth I have read all of the massive TCL t408dl thread and additional material elsewhere on these forums and yet it's not at all clear to me what the phrase "Kosher" ROM means to you and others. To me the basic of being Kosher is that in addition to a default lack of browser, texting and internet based apps there is some level of security preventing ROM/app installation. In general and in the case of your ROM does that require additional MDM software? Please clarify....
Apps4Flip-AdminLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
dovwcom In general removing with adb is not a great way to remove the browser and make a phone kosher. The best way to do it is to remount the system as read write and remove the actual browser and email apks. This way even if you reset the browser and email apps are still removed.
DdovwcomLevel 1 - Junior Member
darth Apps4Flip-Admin I understand. So 2 questions:
1) Taking the features from the original FilterLG filter and applying them here I have marked the features that I understand are in your ROM with an x and left the rest with just a dash beforehand please comment if different:
FilterLG app basics
X Blocks internet access on the device (no browser even after reset)
x Blocks installing additional apps
– Blocks software updates
– Blocks ability to wipe/reset the device
– Blocks using device as a hotspot
– Blocks using a public wifi
– Blocks using voice commands
– Blocks setting a pin code on the device
– Blocks encrypting/decrypting the device
– Blocks Safe/Recovery/Download modes
– Enforced wallpaper on the device
x Block Email (even after reset)
x Block Text Messaging (even after reset)
X No Gallery (this feature in tcl408dl ROM and not filterlg)
– Block Video Player
– Block SD Card
– Block Camera
– Block Bluetooth
2) Would the FilterLG safely work on the TCL408dl out of the box?
darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
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dovwcom I have also blocked: Software updates, Using public wifi. As far as video player thats included in gallery, I can block camera if people wanted, you can wipe or reset device but it wont change any of the settings in place. I dont think this phone has voice commands (and why would you want to block that?)
What else do people want blocked? Does anyone really want to blovk Camera or Bluetooth or Wallpaper? I can look into blocking hotspot and pin code.
If anyone has any other recommendations of what they want please let me know. I am not going to be making any ROMs with apps like Waze until I have an easy solution for activating the mouse.
DdovwcomLevel 1 - Junior Member
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darth lgexalter1 - I understand that the rationale and method of the FilterLG which uses device management is different than a custom ROM - I saw they have a large list of features and so used that to verify what was and was not done - as it turns out you also blocked software updates (which is expected and understood) and public WiFi which is an extra feature that I discovered by asking
I have the T-Mobile 4058W, will this work on that model also?
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
XanderXF great question. Good chance it will, but might not. I would suggest first backing up your super partition. If you need help with that email me [Login to see the link]
HHi1Level 3 - Gold Member
Can anyone tell me exactly on witch Alcatel models I can use this custom rom? And if I can't use them on all will the suspend adb command work on all Alcatels?
darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
Hi1 This has only been tested on the t408dl. It may work on the 4058's but I would tell you to backup super before you do that, if you need help with that email me at [Login to see the link] . The suspend command will work on any of the 4058's. Afaik all other Alcatel models run KaiOs so it wont work (except for one old verizon alcatel flip)
WwhatelseshouldidoLevel 1 - Junior Member
darth The MTK Drivers link expired. Can you please upload it to google drive or send a link to the correct drivers?
CChaseChillerLevel 2 - Senior Member
After a 'kosher rom' is on, can apps still be installed?
sdmdeLevel 3 - Gold Member
ChaseChiller debends what boot img ur using with stock no
CChaseChillerLevel 2 - Senior Member
So how do I get an app enabled boot image?
is hot spot allowed with the "talk and text" kosher rom? does it just remove browser/email or other apps too?
after installing the kosher rom, will the phone be unlocked to the bands that is is capable of? (if it was TracFone, will it take Verizon right away?)