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  • 9 days ago
  • Joined Feb 25, 2022
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  • Baruch Hashem, after 5 months of this phone bricked, with the help of [Login to see the link], we have managed to unbrick this phone! We did this by flashing the stock aboot, boot, system, and vendor partitions. You can download those [Login to see the link]. Here's how to do that in QFIL:


    If you bricked your Kazuna eTalk KAZ-F019 by flashing the stock partitions of the F119, you can attempt to unbrick your phone by following the steps below.

    1. Download and extract the partitions linked above.
    2. In QFIL, select Flat Build
    3. By programmer path, click Browse and select this phone's firehose (in the original firmware which you can find in earlier posts).
    4. Go to Tools > Partition Manager > OK
    5. Once you're in, select the aboot partition, right-click it, and select Manage Partition Data. MAKE SURE TO LEFT-CLICK (select) THE PARTITION YOU WANT TO EDIT BEFORE RIGHT-CLICKING IT! I have bricked a phone by not making sure the thing I was right-clicking was selected. (You can further make sure you're flashing to the right partition by checking in the Raw Data Manager popup and the file you are flashing.)
    6. I would recommend at this point that you backup these partitions from the phone before flashing the new ones. Just in case this doesn't work, you could get the phone back to its original bricked state (though I hope it does work). Go to the partition you want to backup, and press "Read Data" and wait until it finishes reading. Now, in file explorer, go to "%appdata%\Qualcomm\QFIL\". Go to the COMPORT folder with the number of the port you are currently using. QFIL will tell you which port you are using when you plug in the phone (it will say (COM_)). Within the folder, you will find a file that says readdata...bin. Rename it to the partition you're backing up (i.e. aboot.bin), so it's not confusing. I would recommend that you backup each partition one at a time. You can see a detailed explanation of backing up partitions with QFIL [Login to see the link]
    7. Now go back to the aboot's Raw Data Manager, click on Load Image, and select aboot.bin (from the partitions linked above)
    8. Repeat steps 5 & 6 for boot, system, and vendor

    Your phone should now be unbricked!

    • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

      • Edited

      ymcp Thanx to some help from [Login to see the link] I have modified the mouse. [Login to see the link]. Right now the way I made it is that only the Favorite Contacts button activates and deactivates. The directional keys move the mouse and OK selects. The volume keys scroll up and down. All other keys keep there regular functionality.

      Does anyone have any other suggestions on how to set its functionality?

      • Flippy [Login to see the link] and I have worked out how to filter this phone and the Orbic Journey V (A phone very similar to this). I plan on releasing it soon after I finalize a few things.

      • yeti Welcome back! [Login to see the link] and I have actually found a way to unbrick some bricked eTalks. I plan on writing a guide on that in the thread later. Thank you for all your work!

        • THANK YOU, SO MUCH [Login to see the link] , I really appreciate it. just switched from to a flip phone, bec schok broke and went back to smart phone and someone gave me there exalt, and wasn't filtered thank you

          • [Login to see the link] wm density 120 works really well! (The default is 160) Waze is usable, and the rest of the system is relatively unaffected. (The system 'shortcuts' menu looks somewhat funny, and the built-in launcher shows 4 columns and then the 'down' button still skips just 3 apps which is awkward, but fine 🙂)

            Do you have a recommendation for an app that will set the density only while using Waze, while keeping it 160 the rest of the time?

            Regarding vmouse issues, I also had issues when dragging the map -- which is done by holding down 1 and then using the d-pad buttons. Often this resulted in the cursor not 'letting go' of the map. Some combination of 1 and OK seemed to fix that, too. So I'll try it if the general vmouse issue happens again as well.

          • Indeed I did not root -- as I mentioned in my question, I was looking to just install apps without a firmware update. I guess that's not possible? OK, in that case I guess I'll have a go at it and ask you for help if necessary. Thanks!

            [Login to see the link] [Login to see the link] -- You are indeed correct that WebADB indicated success, leading me to believe that the APKs had installed, but I just checked using pm list packages | grep -i att and nothing comes up.

            [Login to see the link] -- su seems not to be present at all without rooting.

            Q: Are the instructions & neutron.img posted at the [Login to see the link] current?

            • beginer If you follow [Login to see the link]'s suggestion right above your comment you can launch the accessibility center built into android (instead of the one TCL made) and you can activate that feature.

            • chaimzalman you seem to be bashing his filter and not liking it because it doesnt block factory reset worked [Login to see the link] very hard to make it and isnt charging and if its not up to your level of kashrus you dont have to use it its better this that the stuff removed and the only way to get it back is by deleting all your data than nothing at all.

            • chaimzalman If you dont like the filter dont use stop putting down [Login to see the link] hard work. He put time and effort into making this program and he is not charging any money if you dont like the filter dont use it its up to you to use it nobody is forcing you to use it.

              • [Login to see the link] I've been looking through this thread and I don't see an explanation of the preferred method for actually flashing that .zip update to the phone. I flashed neutronscott's recovery.img file but after flashing when I boot into recovery it doesn't appear to be any different than the original recovery (no options to flash an update from a microsd or anything of that nature, etc). Also, flashing the boot.img from inside the Zip did not change the situation. Still having that BT/Wifi issue after the device boots up.

                I know that prior to [Login to see the link]'s arrival on the scene there was a back and forth about flashing custom ROMs using TWRP and rooting and such (and even talk of usb mice with an OTG for using it), but it appears that was abandoned after neutronscott's more simply interventions made a custom ROM and rooting irrelevant to the goals of the folks in this thread. I haven't been able to find anyone after that discussing the flashing of an entire update, and the explanations of the flashing of kosher super.bin files don't seem to be super helpful as this stock rom update is in a .zip format and doesn't contain any discrete super files (that I can tell at least), and while I don't know much in a technical sense I know better than to randomly grab files that look like something I recognize and just starting flashing away.

                Any help or direction on this front is appreciated. If I am doing a poor job of searching for these answers, I apologize. I have spent good time running searches but don't seem to have found what I'm looking for.

                • [Login to see the link] yes, we're in the same boat. However, I'm pretty sure your issue is the same as mine. If you take a video of your Flip 2's screen after selecting "Turn on" and pause the video at the right point, you'll catch an error alert that only lasts a 30th of a second, but it actually says that "Bluetooth Keeps failing" - meaning that the bluetooth encounters an issue when the phone attempts to switch the Wifi radio on. Perhaps the BT/Wifi are the same chip. In any case, it's actually a bluetooth issue.

                  [Login to see the link] I actually did flash the updated stock boot.img that [Login to see the link] had suggested in the Kosher Rom flash prep. My understanding from his post was that the super being flashed could have issues with an older un-updated boot.img. Anyways, I tried flashing that one, but the issue remains...

                  This leads me to wonder if there's some incompatibility between the OS that my phone shipped with and the neutron.img or newer standard boot.img that I then flashed. I bought my phone refurbished, and so I wonder if that means it was sitting in inventory for a longer time and has an older build of OS than the OS on Flip 2 handsets manufactured and purchased new more recently. I have looked around for "original" or "Stock" boot.img and/or super.bin, but I can't seem to find any posts from anyone anywhere. Any help would be amazing.

                  • [Login to see the link] So we should be able to set a hotkey to launch the AppLauncher app!
                    How.simple would it be if we know the Key, Package, and Activity beforehand? How many lines of code?