• Level 4 - Platinum Member
  • 15 days ago
  • Joined Jan 1, 2021
  • 34 points
    • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

      Is there a way to add Hebrew speech-to-text to any of the phones that can install apps?
      To dictate Hebrew and it will type it in Hebrew letters.
      Or maybe a way to change the voice access language?

    • greatobeajew Well if we are being picky, it's not a courser it's a cursor. And for me it only seems to work for setup of the app.... After that it seems to just be stuck in one place.

        • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

        • Edited

        Hi everyone,
        Whenever someone asks a question that was discussed already, I often tell them to use the search function to find it; However after trying the search myself a few times, I realized that the built in search feature doesn't work so well (I'm not sure why, but many things don't show up). So I put together a custom Google search that searches the forum, and the main apps4flip site, hopefully that will be more helpful when you're trying to find something.
        (Google puts some promoted results in the beginning, you can ignore those)

        You can search by clicking [Login to see the link]

      • trump2024


        3) Don't reply to really old posts, unless you're sure you have new information that has not been mentioned since anywhere on the forum.

        4) If you're fresh on the forum, don't just sit there replying to every post you see; what's new and exciting to you, is probably irrelevant and annoying to everyone else.

      • LKWDBochur this is for button mapper and voice access.

        adb shell settings put secure enabled_accessibility_services com.android.cts.flar2.homebutton/a.i:com.android.cts.apps.accessibility.voiceaccess/com.google.android.apps.accessibility.voiceaccess.JustSpeakService

        adb shell settings put secure accessibility_enabled 1

      • Hi!
        I downloaded and installed the Hebrew Keyboard app.
        But then i discovered that when you want to dial a number you have to press # to change to numbers because if not it writes letters instead of numbers.
        Is there a way maybe to fix the app or the permissions, on such a way it shouldn't have permission to that part and there it should stay only numbers forever?

      • L-B thanks i was able to get it into that menu, although when i tried to factory reset it wouldn't work. However I was able to get it into safe mode which allowed the buttons to work and then i used ADB to uninstall the app

      • [Login to see the link] I think I have a little but major fix to the heb. keyboard from [Login to see the link] (maybe you need his permission) to just disable the app on the dialer screen [this is actually how the default keyboard works]

        • L-B replied to this.
        • L-B likes this.
        • BoruchAdler They obviously don't know what it takes to build an android app. I really appreciate your work, please keep it up. I actually saw your hebrew keyboard today for the first time and I'm planning on installing it for my friends tomorrow. Thanks again! (sorry, I couldn't reply in the other thread)

          • I think I will be taking a break from posting apps. [Login to see the link] and others have been truly insulting and have not expressed any appreciation for the hard work that I have done.

            To all those of you who have been nice, positive, and encouraging, thank you but the rotten apples like [Login to see the link] have ruined it for all.

            I built it for free without pay and its really not fair to treat me like this.


            • [Login to see the link] yes, I plan on working on an upgrade that will use the top right and left menu buttons to change languages and caps instead of # and *. It will be a setting in a future upgrade. Stay tuned.

              If you can get me the key code values for those 2 buttons for your phone, that would be a huge help.

              Yashar Koichacha.

              • Hi everyone, I just released a new version that allows you to change keyboards in app. Meaning you can switch from the built in phone keyboard to the hebrew keyboard and vice versa without any adb commands.

                Here is the link to the latest version - [Login to see the link] Thanks [Login to see the link]

                The first time you setup the app run the following adb command - adb shell pm grant com.android.cts.a4fhebrew android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS

                • L-B STOP!! He is not making money from this project.... and at leaset appriciate what he gives you!

                  • [Login to see the link] thank you!
                    another fix can be to set the keys from right to left just like all other Hebrew keyboards so "C" should be for אבג and "B" for דהו etc.
                    but the better would be to figure out how "TAG" made their hebrew keyboard on the classic which works just like the reguler one they juat added another option in the menu where you can choose between "T9 word"
                    and "ABC" etc.