App Requests
BBusinessy21Level 3 - Gold Member
Can you make the yiddsh voice's should work on the waze app this is the voice [Login to see the link]
Mmickrich347Level 1 - Junior Member
Many apps don't allow resigning. This includes whatsapp and most banking apps
JJKing2Level 2 - Senior Member
mickrich347 How about Zello?
AappinstallerLevel 1 - Junior Member
SamFried YES!! We need such a keyboard!
please make that happen....
JumptoheavenLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
mickrich347 Uber also requires Google play services, and yet they got it to work. (Somewhat)
CchaimontherunLevel 3 - Gold Member
JKing2 Zello is amazing.
RRochelLevel 2 - Senior Member
Dear apps4flip, is it possible to add Heb calendar, to your amazing website?
Thanx, all the best!
Apps4Flip-AdminLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
Rochel We would advise you to reach out to [Login to see the link] as we would need his permission to proceed.
BboruchLevel 3 - Gold Member
Is it in the works to fix the frozen mouse on waze?
JumptoheavenLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
An app that has the apps4flip forum would be nice.
SamFriedLevel 3 - Gold Member
Jumptoheaven GREAT IDEA!
SamFriedLevel 3 - Gold Member
- Edited
Jumptoheaven An app that has the apps4flip forum would be nice.
Apps4Flip-Admin can you make that app happen?
MMooLevel 2 - Senior Member
A request I heard from a lot of people is -the Kol Mevaser app- Yiddish24 Would have great use of it. Thank You
JumptoheavenLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
Businessy21 You can send that link to yourself in the messaging app. Then click on it, it'll open Waze to the add voice page. Then using voice access you can install it.
BBusinessy21Level 3 - Gold Member
Jumptoheaven I installed it and download it but it still doesn't work try it
JJKing2Level 2 - Senior Member
Businessy21 working fine for me...
Yyk9813Level 2 - Senior Member
Businessy21 works for me also fine