• Jan 16, 2024
    • Joined Feb 8, 2022
    • -103 points
    • SamFried a-one BasicPhone [Login to see the link] MXRJR [Login to see the link] [Login to see the link]
      To all who requested. Yes. I just updated HebKey(v1.12) with the following:

      1. I moved all settings to a separate page, to keep it simple.
      2. Slowed down the key speed. The user has the option to adjust it in Settings.
      3. Added option to use "#" as space. If set, make sure not to use "#" as a toggle key.
      4. Added options to customize all toggle keys. You can even set them all to be the same.
      5. Added menu option in Settings, to reset to default options.

      Get it at:
      [Login to see the link]

      Please no more feature requests, as it is taking up my time. Just bug reports. 🥲

      • lionscribe
        Thanks a million! It works great on the Kyocera...

        Just one minor issue from my end, that on the Kyocera And LG's the space button is # not 0 - So when im typing im always clicking # for space...

        Its possible to change the space to #? I hope im not making you work hard...

        Thank you

        • 24 Six (Version 1.6.5): [Login to see the link] (Updated app details in the [Login to see the link])
          For more information check out [Login to see the link].

          • In order to sign in, you first need a subscription which you can get at [Login to see the link]
          • Offline Listening now available! (Details [Login to see the link])
          • The screen density (dpi) on most phones isn't small enough to sign into the app. Either you can use the density app posted by 12345 below, or run adb commands.

          1st run the command adb shell wm density 80 to sign in. When you're signed in, you can change your screen density back with the command adb shell wm density 160 (The standard density on most phones is 160 with a few exceptions. [Login to see the link])

          • You can scroll with the D-pad, and select with a mouse.
          • Another quick note on dpi: The music & podcast player are easier to control with your dpi set to 80. Also, the dpi needs to be 80 (בערך) or lower for the library to work (and for you to access your downloads). However, the video player will look weird if you're not on your default dpi.

          I've been using this app for a while now, and I love it! Whoever came up with this idea is amazing! It might take a little bit to get used to scrolling and selecting because the app is designed for smartphones. Apps4Flip-Admin said that they're working on a flip phone version, but while we wait we have this. Enjoy!

          • Due to abuse around voting and ranking the following preventive measures and rules have been put into place.

            1. Anyone who is involved in malicious voting either up or down will have their account suspended for 7 days.
            2. There is no more downvoting.

            We want to build a friendly kosher community here and this kind of behavior destroys that.

          • Biden2020prez lol, its funny cuz when I first saw this thread its a picture of President Trump and the title was "it was me", I'm thinking to myself trump would never admit a mistake hahaha, but then the name is BidenPrez so I'm like well Biden wouldn't need to admit a mistake, we all know when he makes one lololol.

            Bus seriously, I understand the idea, it was good intentions, just maybe the implementation was a little wild, but whatever it is thanks for all that u do....i would want to ask you mechilah for making negative comments about the fact that you had extra time to do this, i was reacting but it might of hurt u, pls forgive me.

            ps by the way make sure to use chat gtp wisely, cuz she seem to make you say things in a tone you might of not said yourself. lol its good to use if your angry at a company, or the likes.

            • Apps4Flip-Ratings-Officer this is very weird, seems like only certain ppl were targeted by this official unofficial confused officer. [Login to see the link] has -1,000 votes, how did that happen? I have -27, not bad maybe there wasn't enough free time for this officer to get it done. By the way if this officer has any extra free time I have allot of things he can do for me, my room hasn't been cleaned in a while, and ill even give him a real official badge for it!

              • Please note that I am not affiliated with Apps4Flip and any information provided should not be taken as official statements or representations from Apps4Flip. The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of Apps4Flip.

                We want the Apps4Flip Forums to be a place for meaningful contributions and discussions. In order to foster a positive and productive community, we ask that users refrain from upvoting all of their own posts. The like button and ratings are meant to be a way for users to show appreciation for helpful and insightful contributions from others. I will be downvoting any users who excessively upvote their own posts in order to prevent the manipulation of ratings. We encourage users to engage with the community and contribute their thoughts and ideas, but we ask that they do so in a way that is respectful and considerate of others.

                We want to inform the community that we have already begun the process of downvoting users who engage in malicious upvoting of their own posts. This behavior goes against the spirit of the Apps4Flip Forums, which is to foster a positive and productive community for meaningful contributions and discussions. We ask that all users refrain from this behavior and instead focus on making helpful and insightful contributions to the community. We will continue to monitor for and address any instances of malicious upvoting to ensure the integrity of the rating system on the Forums. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

                • RonnieAdjmi

                  MXRJR I mentioned this before on this thread, that I'm not advertising for this company at all, I don't make a penny from them either, I just am affiliated to the people that created it and I am a beta tester for them. So I'm just here to give the info that keeps the oilam informed.

                  • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                    Helix_X_Dome I dont think you did anything wrong. so far

                    • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                      • Edited

                      EKASSIN Bigger, heavier, slower, and no message+.
                      What phone are you currently using?

                      • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                        EKASSIN People are usually happy with Celluar4Less in Boro Park though I dont know the exact price and condition. Kyocera E-4610. Might be hard to find a legit brand new one, since they stopped producing them a few years ago, but it is possible. Let us know back here.

                        • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                          EKASSIN Kyocera Duraxv. Where do you live? Boro Park has a few stores

                            • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                              Biden2020prez Probably why no one on this site actually uses these phones according to my brief survey.

                            • Lets continue here, as the other thread should be more informative, this can be for back and forth arguing lol.