• Guide | Access recent apps and notification from another launcher

  • UUriLevel 1 - Junior Member

    • Edited

    Let’s admit it: the built-in launcher is defective.
    Unable to access installed apps, if you [Login to see the link] everything is cramped, and more…

    So we decided to install an unofficial launcher.
    Now we have a problem: it's impossible to access recent apps and the notification bar without the built-in launcher.
    What can we do?

    So I built some simple apps to help whit that. (Basically every app is just a shortcut to activity in SystemUI).
    Download the apps listed here, install them and you can access whatever you want!

    [Login to see the link]
    [Login to see the link]
    [Login to see the link] (more convenient than the settings)
    [Login to see the link]
    [Login to see the link]

    And for the bored folks: very cute game
    [Login to see the link]

    [Login to see the link] (demonstrated on ListLauncher of [Login to see the link].)

    Note: These apps have been tried on the LG classic, and should work without problem on the other LGs. Other devices will probably need custom apps.

      Uri thanks it works great
      also could you please make an app that takes you to the dial screen because on the lg exalt you can’t dial when using a different launcher?

      • Uri replied to this.
        • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

          • Edited

          Uri Thanks. Where is the launcher though?

            Uri it’s a link to a screenshot not the apk

            • Uri replied to this.

              Uri okay I got it. also I shared these app’s on telegram and someone asked for an app to get to recent calls because it’s not possible to get there with an other home app so could you make an app shortcut to recent calls?

              • Uri replied to this.

                Uri okay do it when you have time. and also if you could make an app that is a shortcut to the hidden menu will it be a great thing

                • bzk replied to this.

                  bzk I know about this app but I’m looking for an app that is a shortcut straight to the hidden menu like the other app’s that uri made and the app you posted has a lot of options and doesn’t take you to the hidden menu only to developer options

                  Uri I checked מוצאי שבת the forms and I recognized that you replied when it was still shabbos in New York so I thought that it must be that your not in the United States

                  • Uri replied to this.

                    Uri there is a few app’s groups so I shared it on 1 of that group

                    • Uri replied to this.
                      • UUriLevel 1 - Junior Member

                        • Edited

                        GOLDFISH You were right. I live in Israel.